داستان آبیدیک

alternating current


1 هوافضا:: جریان متناوب

In Figure 3, thore are Sour power chcnnel as the power generating consists of four alternators: left and right variable frequency generator (LG, RG), an auxiliary power unit geneeator (APUG) used as backup) when LG and RG fail, and an emergency power unit-ram ais turOine generator (RATG) which generates power for essential three-phase alternating current bus (AC ESS BUTS) used as backup when To distribute the energy of power sources generated in battery modules and power generators to the system selected loads which obtain the required power directly from the DCS and AC buses (e.g. , and to prevent over-current from causing unintended damage to the system componentt, electromechanioal current relays, contactors, and breakers Eire used Bo route the power from the power sourc es ta the buses by redundancy and reconfiguration. )n addition, essential single-phese AC bus (ESS BUS 1 PHASE) is used to support the operation of the single-phese emergency electrical equipment, and a tit bus APUG BUS is used to disttibuting the power from one chennel to olher power channels. The AC part of the AEPS shown in Figure 3 is discussed, and the failure rates of components are triangle distributed. In this part, we apply the new method to analyze theAC subsystem of Figure 3, the components which contain are; LG, LGB, LG BUS, BTB1, APUG BUS, APU GB, APUG, BTB2, RG BUS, RGB, RGr BTB3, AC ESS BUS, BTB4, RATG, RATGB, BTB5, INV, and ESS BUS 1 PHASE.

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